What are Some of the Things that You Should Consider When Buying Protection Dogs
When looking for protection dogs, you should consider intelligence. It is essential to note that protection dogs are supposed to be intelligent than ordinary dogs. Meaning that they should be able to differentiate strange and familiar faces as well as knowing when to perceive and subdue the threat. Besides, such dogs also have a strong personality as they can quickly spot intruders and react to such situations at the right time. In this case, you should make sure that you test the intelligence of the personal training dog before you buy them.
Also, you should also make sure that you check trainability. Where you will have to consider how fast the protection dog can learn new tricks and commands. Besides, you should also get protection dogs that are highly trained but they are very stubborn, or they might have the ego that does not respond well to shouting. In this case, it will be necessary to confirm if the dog has the ability to master simple instructions faster such as fetch, roll-over among others. It is essential to note that with such dogs it will be easy to train them to master even the more stringent commands.
In addition, you should also consider size. It is essential to note that protection dogs need to be large in size for them to be professed as fierce. You should know that the bigger the dog, the more violent it will, and this will make it scare away intruders. In this case, you should make sure that the protection dog that you want to buy has enough weight and larger size. You should also know that some protection dogs are fierce and overprotective and their size cannot allow them to offer that protection.
Not only that but you should also consider their strength. It is essential to note that a strong dog can attack and pin down an intruder with great ease. Another good thing with strong protection dog is that they are able to pull you away from danger with a lot of ease. Not only that but strong protection dogs will also be on a position to endure strong training that you expose them to.
Besides, it is also important that you consider agility. In this case, you should make sure that the possible protection dog is able to move swiftly to subdue an intruder or rush to a rescue zone. For that matter, it will be necessary to confirm that the protection dog that you are about to purchase is able to move faster.
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