photo 1421757381940 5d269570b21c?ixlib=rb 1.2Online Gradable Classroom Culture Building Activities Guide

Conventional gradebooks are purposed to show the performance of students as compared to total individual homework grades. This is the kind of information that guides teachers, students and their parents to draw conclusions about a learner’s strengths and weaknesses as per the overall grade during an examination or grading period. However, it is not easy to know the specific strengths or weakness in the skills of a student using the conventional method. Noteworthy, there are numerous reasons why learners might not excel in an annual exam, but it never means that they were weak. This has compelled many K-12 schools to start implementing the classroom culture building activities system.

Combining assignments and standards

Some tutors often attach standards to their learning materials such as lessons and skill guides to their learners. Thus, when the student has completed learning a new skill or a given study activity, they get assessed and the graded is done automatically. All the information is then recorded in the gradebook.

There are several advantages to this method as opposed to other traditional ways of grading and tracking a learner’s performance. The learning process involves assessment and thus, nobody gets assessed after a long period of time which would expose them to pressure-related fails. The majority of assessment methods that involve an exam after a long period means that the student may get ill and fail, which ends up with the wrong assessment results. Thus, it is more accurate to gauge the learners understanding through the standard-based method than he traditional system.

Accessing the student’s mastery

After the activities are tagged with the standards, and then have been finalized by the students, then it is possible for the teachers to access the information on the digital gradebook. The digital gradebook arranges the performance data for future analysis. This allows the teacher to view the number of times the standard has been assessed and how the student was able to score at every time. Thus, although the online standards gradebook system is done remotely, it is still effective.

Analysis of the learner’s performance

Understanding a student’s academic improvement is easy to analyze as long as there have been numerous assessments or standard-based examinations. Thus teachers use this information to determine the student’s strengths or weak points in different skills. This allows the determination of strengths, which offers the teachers an opportunity to act in the deficit learning gaps. In brief, such kind of dichotomy is essential in giving tutors a hint on topics or standards that they need to elaborate for their students to understand fully. In the end, the online standards based gradebook is an efficient track of learning activities.

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